Building Teams and Coaching
Working Style
In module 2, we started with a discussion around what our individual working styles were and what kind of approach would be most suitable for us. We also discussed the different norms of collaboration that could help us as leaders to create healthy and affective collaborative spaces within our institutions.
Part of studying the Framework for Teaching was to help empower us to understand the different domains where the contributions and efforts of an educator are made. Each domain has been described in detail so that the purpose and intent can be made clear. We were divided into two groups and each team was tasked to identify the key features of 2 domains and explain how this framework would support our educators to structure their lessons further. By keeping all this in mind, we were then tasked to conduct observations.
Before we coach anyone, we must first identify what we are coaching people for. A precursor to coaching is observation. By applying the FFT framework and using an extensive observation process, one can identify the possible concerns, aspects of the current teaching styles that seem to be working well and the clarity provided by the lesson plan. Each component feeds in perfectly to create a healthy learning environment for the students where they feel safe and empowered to take risks and seek knowledge.